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How hard are MEXT Exam Tests?

MEXT scholarship tests are quite challenging. They are also long, and you need to be able to focus for a few hours in a row, especially for the undergraduate MEXT scholarship. All tests have multiple-choice questions, except for the math tests and some parts from the Japanese tests.

Undergrad MEXT scholarship tests

The mandatory tests are English, Japanese, and Math. For Natural Sciences A, there is a Physics and Chemistry exam; for Natural Sciences B and C, there is a Chemistry and Biology exam.

The Japanese test is divided into three parts, from very easy to more complex. You need to prepare for this quite a while before taking it. You can see more about the tests in our mobile app.

The math test for undergraduate students is very hard. There are two tests A and B. For Social Sciences and Humanities, you take Math A, and for Natural Sciences, you take Math B. Although Math A is slightly easier than Math B, overall, the tests are quite hard, and you need to prepare well in advance. You can see more about the tests in our mobile app as well, along with Math Courses and solved past exams.

Likewise, the English test can prove challenging for non-native speakers. You need an extensive vocabulary and excellent grammar knowledge to get a good grade. Practice as much as you can, but also memorize new words and study advanced grammar.

Research MEXT scholarship tests

Graduate students who opt for the MEXT research scholarship will have English and Japanese as mandatory tests. These are also multiple-choice questions that include a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, expressions, text comprehension, and others. As with all MEXT tests, you need to prepare in advance.

Some students were not invited to sit for these tests and were not aware that they hadn’t passed the file screening part. Therefore, if you are invited to the tests and interview, know that your file passed the first screening, and you are one step forward to obtaining the MEXT research scholarship. Consequently, you need to do your best, practice and study hard to move forward to the interview phase.

Special Training College (STC)

The compulsory tests for STC are Math, English, and Japanese.

The English and Japanese exams are multiple-choice questions, starting from simple to advanced. The tests are more comfortable than the undergraduate MEXT exams, but still, you need to prepare in advance if you intend to apply for this scholarship.

The Math exam is of average difficulty compared with the undergrad exam. However, there is quite a lot of theory that you must know, and you still need lots of practice.


To sum up, please don’t take the MEXT tests lightly. Study hard and make use of every tool you have, so you can increase your chances of receiving the MEXT scholarship. Also, be sure to check out our mobile application!

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