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Privacy Policy

1. BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL, with headquarters in the Municipality of Craiova, Str. Rîului, no. 26, Room 5,
Dolj county, C.U.I. 41879480, with order number in the trade register J16/2886/2019 is
responsible for the protection of personal data.

This Privacy Statement is intended to explain in a simple way and
transparently what type of personal data we collect about you, how we process it
and how we store them. This statement applies to the following persons:
● All former, current and potential customers of BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL. We have the obligation
legal right to keep the data we collect about you, including a
certain period of time after the termination of the relationship.

Personal data refers to any information that tells us something about you
you or that we can match with you. These include name, address,
date of birth, account number, IP address or information about payments you have made
from the bank account.
Processing refers to all operations we may do to data, such as
collection, recording, storage, adjustment, organization, use, disclosure, transfer and
deleting them. You provide us with personal information when you become a customer, you
register with our online services, fill out an online form, sign a contract, use
our products and services or contact us through one of our channels.
We also use data that is legally available from public sources, from the mass media, or
that are legitimately provided by other companies or third parties.

2. The types of data we collect
The personal data we collect includes:
● Identification data, such as name, surname, date and place of birth, code
personal number, email address and IP address of your computer or device
your mobile, postal information and other information used to ship
a document, billing data, as well as if the postal services or
courier are provided through one of the partner carriers.
● Financial information, such as bank account numbers for late transfers
some transactions.
● Computer and connection information, such as view statistics
page, traffic to and from sites, sending URL, IP address and history

Personal information collected from other sources

● Social Media. We allow you to share information on social media sites (eg:
Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, etc.) These sites may give us automatic access to
certain personal information they keep about you (eg.
email address). By associating an account managed by a social media site with
account and by authorizing us to access this information, you agree that we may
collect, use and retain information provided pursuant to this agreement by
● If you provide us with personal information about another natural person,
you must do so only with that person’s consent. You have to
inform how we collect, use, disclose and retain personal information in
in accordance with this confidentiality agreement.

Sensitive data
We do not record sensitive data regarding health, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, with
except in cases where this is absolutely necessary.
Data of minors
The content of the website and the information promoted by BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL is not intended
minors but its content is not harmful to them. We do not collect information and data of
minors under 16 years of age.

3. What do we do with your personal data?
We only use your personal data for legitimate business purposes. These purposes include:
● Administration. When we conclude a service provision contract between the Provider
and Beneficiary we have a legal obligation to collect the personal data that verifies
your identity (for example, a copy of your identity card or
passport) and to assess whether we can accept you as a customer. Also,
we need to know your address and phone number in order to contact you.
● Provision of products and services. We use the information collected for the purpose of a
assess whether you are eligible for certain financing lines.
● Personalized marketing. We may send you letters, emails or text messages
to offer or propose to you the purchase of a product or service on the basis
● Providing the most suitable products and services. When you visit the site
our website, when you call our offices or visit one of our offices,
we collect information about you. We analyze this information to a
identify potential needs and opportunities and evaluate the eligibility of its products
services. For example, we can suggest opportunities to suitable investments and
advantageous to the created profile.

We may use your data to send you personalized offers by post, e-
email or on our website. You have the right to object at any time to the activities

commercial or direct marketing, provided they do not overlap with contractual clauses
which provide otherwise.
● Fraud prevention and detection and data security. We have the duty to
protect the personal data collected, to prevent, detect and limit the breach
data security. This includes the information we are required to obtain
about you, such as: for regulatory compliance purposes
regarding combating fraud with European funds, the financing of acts of terrorism
or tax fraud.

All types of data we process for whatever purpose we try to reduce or even eliminate
we avoid as much as possible the collection and processing of personal data.

4. Who and why do we share your data?
We may disclose your information or personal data to third parties.
This disclosure of data may be necessary for us to provide you with access to the Services
our, to be able to fulfill the object of the contract, or in the situation where for the performance
the service requires, absolutely necessary, the contribution of a third party. We can also disclose more
information or personal data to comply with our national legal obligations, to
optimize marketing and advertising activities or to prevent, detect, mitigate and
we investigate fraudulent or illegal activities related to our services. We also try to
we minimize the amount of personal information we disclose to what is direct
relevant and necessary to achieve the specified purpose. We do not sell, rent or disclose in
otherwise personal information to third parties for marketing and advertising purposes without obtaining
prior to your consent

If we use other service providers, we only communicate personal data
which are strictly necessary to carry out a certain task or a certain service.
Service providers support us with activities such as:
Courier services, debt recovery, certification services, transport services, services of
internet, e-mail messaging, mobile phone services, payment services
banking, marketing services, IT maintenance, website administration, protection services
work or voucher issuing services.
In all these cases the partners or service providers choose to comply with the regulation
European Data Protection Authority.
Sales representatives
We share information with independent agents who act on our behalf. These agents
are registered under local law and operate under a contract of
collaboration in compliance with the clauses of the Data Protection Regulation.

Whenever we communicate your personal data internally, to third parties,
collaborators, service providers, we take the necessary safety measures to protect them.

5. Your rights and how we respect them
We respect your rights as a customer or business partner and to
transparently exposes the use of personal information we inform you that the rights
yours are the following:
● The right to access the information
You have the right to request a report of the personal data we process.
● The right to rectification
If your personal data is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to
we rectify. If we communicate subsequently corrected data to third parties, we will also inform them
third parties in this regard.
● The right to object to data processing
You can object to the use of your personal data by our group companies. You can you
exercise this right online or by phone. We will consider your opposition even
and if the processing of the information has any undue impact on you which
requires the termination of the respective data processing.
You can also opt out of receiving personalized commercial messages from us
Our. When you become a BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL customer, we ask for your consent if you want to receive
personalized offers. If you later change your mind, you can opt out of receiving messages
from us using the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of each commercial email. Not
you can object to the processing of personal data by BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL
if we have a legal obligation to process them; if it is necessary to enter into a contract with
your; if we are contractually obligated to send you personalized information again
you are obligated to receive them, even if you have opted out of receiving messages
custom commercials.
● The right to restrict processing
You have the right to ask us to restrict the use of personal data when:
• you believe that the information is inaccurate;
• we process data illegally;
• BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL no longer needs the respective data but you want us to keep it
for use in legal action;

• you objected to the use of your personal data by BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL in
the legitimate interests of the company;
● The right to data portability
You have the right to ask us to transfer your personal data directly to you or
another company. This applies to the personal data we process
by automated means and only with your consent or on the basis of a contract
concluded with you. If this is technically possible,
we will transfer personal data.
● The right to erasure
You can ask us to delete your personal data if:
• the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or processed;
• you withdraw your consent on the basis of which the processing takes place;
• object to the processing of personal data by BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL in
the legitimate interests of the company or for the purpose of sending personalized commercial messages;
• BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL processes personal data illegally, or o
regulation of the European Union or of a member state of the European Union requires deletion
of your personal data by BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL.
● The right to complaints
If you are not satisfied with the way we have responded to your requests,
you have the right to make a complaint. If you are still dissatisfied with our response to
the complaint you submitted to us, you can forward it to the Person in charge of
data protection within BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL. Also, when the situation does not have
could be resolved between the parties, you have the opportunity to address the authority responsible for
data protection.
● Exercising your rights
If you wish to exercise your rights to make a change to the data we hold about you
you or a complaint, please contact us. You will find the contact details of
BEST WAY 4 YOU office at the end of this Privacy Statement. The way you
exercise your rights depends on the BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL product you purchased.
Exercising your rights can be done (as appropriate) through the website
our website, by visiting our head office or by phone. We intend to respond to the request
you as soon as possible. In some cases, the response time can be up to
to a maximum of 72 hours. If we need a longer time to process the request
you, we will inform you of the additional time that is required and expose you
justified reasons for the delay. Depending on the case, we may reject your request.
Where permitted by law, we will inform you why we have rejected your request.

6. Your duty to provide the data
There is certain information we need to know about you so that
to be able to start performing the obligations as a Provider and honor our obligations
associated contracts. We also have a legal obligation to collect certain information.
Without this data, we may not be able to send an invoice or perform certain actions
activities and without them we cannot fulfill the object of the contract.

7. How we protect personal data
We apply an internal framework of policies and standards at all levels of our firms to a
keep your data safe. These policies and standards are updated periodically
to meet regulations and market developments. Specifically and by law, we take
appropriate technical and organizational measures (policies and procedures, IT security, etc.)
to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of personal data and the way in
that your data is processed. In addition, BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL employees have
the obligation to maintain confidentiality and cannot disclose personal data in the mod
unlawful or unnecessary without your prior consent.

8. How long do we keep personal data?
We have the right to keep your personal data only for the period in which
they are necessary for the purpose for which we originally requested them. After this period, we are looking for solutions
feasible either to obtain a new consent from you or to archive
the data.

9. Contact us
If you want to know more about BEST WAY 4 YOU SRL’s data policies and
about how we use your personal data, you can send us an email, to
call or visit us at our office