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How to prepare for the MEXT scholarship

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If you are reading this article, you probably have already decided to apply for the MEXT scholarship. Being determined about it is a necessary step because only then can you truly put all you’ve got into accomplishing this goal. Below are seven simple steps about preparing for the MEXT scholarship to help you accomplish your dream of studying in Japan.

1. Choose your field of study

Decide what you want to study in Japan while on the MEXT scholarship, for example, business, medicine, engineering, etc. You must be very specific about it.

You also need to consider your future and why this scholarship will be valuable to you. Do you want to continue to work in Academia or a company?

Any questions you have about the field of study and filling your forms with the field of study, you must ask them at your local Japanese embassy or consulate either by email or phone.

2. Prepare for the MEXT scholarship exams

Research students: English and Japanese

Undergraduate students: English, Japanese, Mathematics (A or B), Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Specialized Training College students (STC): English, Japanese, Mathematics

College of Technology students (CT): English, Japanese, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics 

 Go through MEXT past exams to see the format, get used to the questions, and prepare for the scholarship of your choice. You can find all available previous MEXT tests for undergraduate and soon for graduate, STC, and CT in our MEXT Preparation Mobile App.

 Check your level for each subject by testing yourself and aim for at least an 80% score for each test. Start studying for each subject where your score is below 80%.

 For undergrad students, the MATH test is essential. We provide a Math Preparation Course with theory and extra practice in our app as well. If necessary, hire a tutor to help you.

3. Put together your application documents

Download the forms from the Japanese Embassy’s website in your country or the JASSO official website. Of course we have the latest ones available for show in our mobile app, but you will have to download them from the official website when time comes to fill them in and submit them.

Fill out the forms by yourself! Don’t hire someone to do this for you; ask the embassy if you have any questions about filling out your forms.

The embassy or consulate is obliged to answer all your questions, which is especially good if you have any particular situations. You will find many materials about the forms on the net and people offering plenty of answers, but are you willing to put your future and chances in the hands of opinionated strangers? You should only seek answers to these questions from official sources, which means calling or emailing your local embassy.

4. The importance of the research plan and justification answers

Work on your research plan (research students) or your justification answers (undergrad students) that you need to write in your forms – you will have to put some effort here, especially for the research plan.

They will not pass you through if the quality of your writing is low. Students usually don’t know what to write, and they either copy some ideas from the net or write things that come to their minds without logic and without returning to read twice. Many of these applications fail to pass the first screening. You need to present a very polished piece of writing expressing your plan in Japan, why you want to study there, and why it is crucial for you and your community.

5. Keep in touch with the embassy where you apply

Try to get in touch with the embassy where you will apply. Why is this important?

You will surely have questions about the scholarship and filling out your forms. But we all have special situations, and the embassies have different requirements. Things differ slightly from country to country, so you must ask your questions directly to the embassy.

You must be very concise and write down what they say. Finding other people’s responses on the net is not the right solution. You don’t know their particular situation and what their embassy requires. The embassies are obliged to answer all your questions. Some also encourage students to make an appointment before applying to check their application file and all forms. We highly recommend you take advantage of this.

6. Be organized

The application and procedure are easy, but it is essential to be organized (all documents must be in the required order), and you must pay close attention to details. The first step to entering the MEXT competition is to fill out all the documents correctly and in capital as required. And you need the embassy’s help to ensure you did that.

Furthermore, the application for the MEXT scholarship is FREE. You do not have any taxes or fees to pay. If anybody asks for money, then there is something very wrong there.

Do everything by yourself! It is good to read other people’s opinions about this scholarship but not obsess about it because you will have your own exciting and unique experience with this. Put more effort into studying for the tests and writing the application form correctly.

7. Keep a positive attitude

How? Don’t start reading negative things about other people’s experiences or how they failed. Your experience is your own. Make a list of why you want to go to Japan, and what things you want to visit, eat, or experience. What is it that attracts you most to Japan?

Why? It is essential to be confident, focused and undiverted from your goal. The moment you start doubting yourself, you are off your path. To return to your track, remind yourself what you love about Japan and why you want to go there. This way, you will have the energy to study for the exams, the inspiration to write your research plan (research) or answer the justification questions (undergrad), exuberance during your interview, and be able to transmit your passion for this country and your future as a MEXT student.


To sum up, everything is 100% in your hands because you have to study and put your documents together. And with a positive attitude and clarity of mind, you can transmit these in your interview and make a great impression. Japan is waiting for you, so enjoy the journey until you arrive.

Keep your eyes on the goal, and best of luck to all applying this year!

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